Chris' log, travelling date 001

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After waking early to try and acclimatise to the Thai time zone, I stumbled upon a most terrifying creature, a tired Hans Rolus (Hannah). No contact is to be attempted until, at a minimum, tea has been offered as payment.


Luckily enough, our prep from Valencia had meant there wasn't much to do. Just clear and tidy the house, clean the spare room, finish getting the bits we need and packing all our stuff for 6 months. Easy...


One silver lining was there was only one legal thing we needed to do, getting our international driving licences. All countries are under one licence...except one...the one we are staying in the longest... that we are absolutely are driving in. 2 licences each later we were all set.


I think we were both excited and nervous, 6 months is quite a while and we're not really sure what to expect. But we got pants, passports and the amex, everything else is non-essential.


The house looked very weird all cleared out, and that all our 6 months of stuff fit into the small bags (with a bit of encouragement) was crazy.


The bus ride to Heathrow was pretty good and really quick. Check in at the airport was a bit of an issue. First the self-service machine would time out if you hadn't touched the screen in two seconds, then we got all the way to printing of documents and it just stopped and reset... multiple times. We then went across to the check in assistance, which seemed to take ages. More annoying was that an Air China flight was closing check in soon, so they all got to go to skip to the front of the queue, not our problem they weren't on time!


After that was all done, a quick security check where we played find the hidden penny deep in my pocket, then into the lounge for some relaxing before the flight and our first beer of the trip.


The flight itself was fine, being a night flight out was mostly spent sleeping. Overall I think Eva air were pretty good, food was quite good for plane food (warms rolls were a winner). Although not quite as tech fancy as the Norwegian planes, with the circadian lighting etc.