Today was our first cooking class. We wanted to try and at least understand the food we were eating, in order to better rub it in peoples noses ;) (and maybe make some when we get back home..).

We found a highly rated class called the Basil cooking school ran by a woman called Film (it was a name easier for English speakers to say, her real name sounded like a spell in Harry Potter). Pick up from our apartment at 9am, so nice and bright and early. It was just three of us; Hannah and I and a woman from Korea (one assume the South, but thought best not to ask) called Yong-Ju. We were handed a list of 3 dishes per 'category', of which there were six, so we could choose what we wanted to cook. Eager to try the the most stuff, we picked something different in each category.

First stop was to the morning market to pick up the ingredients for the days cooking. She took us through the standard Thai ingredients including 3 types of ginger and aubergines the size of little grapes. I assume from countless experience in these earlier morning classes, she then directed us to a good coffee shop, if we so chose (and we did).

We then drove to the cooking school, which was definitely the first floor of her house. Really nice set up though with plenty of water, which we were going to need, slaving away over a hot stove in 38 degree heat. 

First course to be cooked was the noodle dish. Hannah chose Pad Thai and I made drunken noodles. It was at this point Film recognised my skill and talent for cooking, and henceforth I was known as Masterchef. We then sat down to eat it whilst Film and her assistant prepped the kitchen for the next courses. Really very good, which considering the fresh ingredients (and the hands that prepped them) was not surprising. 

Second round was 2 dishes at the same time - the soup and starters; Hannah made Tom Yum soup and Payaya salad (two very traditional Thai dishes), I made Chicken in Coconut milk soup and Spring rolls. 

Finally, was the last three courses all together, the stir fry, the curry and the dessert. Hannah made prawns in tamarind sauce, red thai curry and sticky mango rice. I made Chicken with cashew, Thai green curry and black stick rice pudding.

We both really enjoyed the class, definitely focused on the actual cooking rather than just ingredient prep (I wasn't called MasterChopper), with many shouts of 'Faster' from Film whilst we were stir frying in the Woks. And we are also armed with a recipe book, so Thai food will become a staple when we return home (assuming we can find monster ginger, angry know...aren't super lazy).

After been dropped back at the apartment, we had to drive all the way back to drop the bikes back (the bike rental place was one road over from the school). And being the hottest it's been since we've been out (think it topped out at 39 degrees) we decided a nice taxi back, rather than the 40 minute walk.