In order to learn a bit more about Angkor (and not just spend our day drinking coffee and eating cake) we went to the Angkor National Museum. We'd decided to use our 3 day Angkor Pass on alternate days (one day there, one day doing something else etc.) to not get templed out. We also decided to brave getting a random Tuk Tuk again, as our Angkor temple driver, Mr Ten, had given us confidence to ride the unstable dragon again. The guy we flagged down tried to rip us off to start, so we bashed him down to a fair price (sounds more impressive than it was. He said $4, we said $2, he said OK). So in we got and off we went. Mostly, it was a good drive, although he did make a stop by a shop for us to purchase the tickets rather than at the museum. "Same Price" he kept saying. If it's the same price, why would we buy them from some shop rather than the actual place, where we know we can actually get in. But he took it well and it wasn't really off the route.

The building itself is very impressive, quite a bit of money into the design. We got in and bought our tickets. Then, like it seems everywhere in SEA, had the tickets checked by another person literally 5 steps later. Seems a bit inefficient. Unfortunately you aren't allowed to take pictures in the museum, so google is your friend here. The first exhibition was the 'Gallery of 1000 Buddhas', which was literally that, 1000 (I assume, I never got round to counting) statues of Buddha in the room. Pretty cool. The second section was about the Khmer civilization, their religions and their Kings. This was pretty interesting, especially the beliefs part. What was very entertaining was that throughout the exhibit, they would have completely different stories about the same event. The third part was on the Angkor Wat complex. It had a pretty good miniature model of what they think the complex looked like when it was all complete and not full of plantlife. The fourth was on ancient fashion, which we skipped...Hard.

We thought now was a good time for lunch (as it was lunchtime) and it so happened to get to a tasty lunch place we would walk past the royal residence and a few other bits and pieces. Although it took us a while to find it, it's very unassuming. Some little one story building, we think is the residence, but who knows. As we were eating lunch, the skies opened and the torrential rain began... and continued on with no signs of stopping. This was our cue to go to the gym, we'd found one which was a bit more expensive, but had air conditioning (thankfully) and everything else included.

After the gym we were both very tired and still had a bit of planning to do for ANZ, so we decided on a night in getting stuff ready.